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The Commies

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 Join us, we're just so awesome you can't resist

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2008-04-02
Age : 36

Join us, we're just so awesome you can't resist Empty
PostSubject: Join us, we're just so awesome you can't resist   Join us, we're just so awesome you can't resist Icon_minitimeWed Apr 02, 2008 9:20 pm

Oh but what's the catch you ask. Well we have some requirements before letting anyone join.

Quick briefing about us

War or Peace? Well, we are basicly the United States of America! We can never decide on what we are. At times we want peace but will start stuff when there is a calm that is just too peaceful and comfortable. We're active and on constantly on the move, if you slack, you get put behind and aren't quite able to catch up without a boost from others.

Inactive or Active? Must this even be asked? The inactives will be kicked if no activity is seen from them in 2 weeks or so. Active includes any of the following, emailing me to tell me of a problem, talk to any of the guild members, lvling, donations, etc. What isn't active is: afk shopped all the time, not talking to anyone if you can't be on the game for a bit, no lvling, no donations, etc. I want an active guild since I, myself am extremely active.

Rich or Poor? Well, I'll just assume you mean yourself. I honestly dont care.

Donate or Not donate? Would love if people could donate more mob drops then penya but I'm not stopping anyone from donating either because it all helps the guild.

Interested or Not interested? If this guild seems interesting to you, feel free to leave some contact information. Please be lvl 35+

2nd Class:
Time Zone:

And anything else that you want to tell us!
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